When pushing a template out to devices on the AMM, you may see an error message Bad default revision 'HEAD'
The error message is a Git generic error message indicating that something went wrong when the AMM was "pushing" the configuration to the affected gateway. In most cases, it is caused by the AMM "thinking" the gateway is in a clean synced state when it's not.
This error message can be resolved by ensuring the gateway is properly synced prior to re-attempting to push the configuration template.
To ensure the gateway is properly synced in the AMM:
Navigate to Configuration > Deployment > Configuration Control
Check the "State" of the device, to make sure that the device is "In Sync"
If the device is in a "out of sync" or "error" state, tick the check box on the left of the listed device and click "Revert"
Once the "Revert" process has completed, you should see that the device is "In Sync".
Re-try deploying the template to the device.